Monday 10 December 2018

2010 BMW M3 Sedan (E90) V8-4.0L (S65) DIAGNOSIS AND REPAIR, MAINTENANCE, Technical Service Bulletin # 840410 Date: 101001

Cell Phone - Bluetooth Compatibility Information

SI B84 04 10

Communication Systems

October 2010

2010 BMW M3 Sedan (E90) V8-4.0L (S65) Page 236

Technical Service


General Bluetooth Information


All vehicles with option 644 or 639


The customer experiences termination of the Bluetooth connection during telephone calls; a switch to Privacy mode; or faults during the telephone

book transfer for no apparent reason. Some customers might experience voice quality issues in the car or on the landline side.


The terminal device (mobile phone) is most likely not 100% compliant with the BMW Assist Bluetooth hands-free kit.


To check restrictions for the customer's terminal device (mobile phone), please refer to the following web site:

The attachment provides instructions on how to use and interpret the website.

Important note:

Only BMW tested phones are displayed on the web site. A variety of other Bluetooth phones is compatible with the BMW Assist hands-free kit but

not tested by BMW. In those cases, please assist the customer in pairing the phone - if the phone still doesn't work with the hands-free kit, inform the

customer about Bluetooth compatibility issues. Please send a feedback to:

Containing information about the phone model (exact model code), used software version, network provider, details about the complaint (vehicle

status, phone status, performed action).

If the encountered issues on a BMW tested phone differ from the information provided on the website, please perform diagnostics with the ISTA

workshop system and follow the test plan.


For information only


2010 BMW M3 Sedan (E90) V8-4.0L (S65) Page 237

2010 BMW M3 Sedan (E90) V8-4.0L (S65) Page 238